After that, we went for a walk on the waterfront. Here are some pictures:
This is the driver that they usually call when they need a tuk-tuk. We had him as our driver all 3 days we used a one. We basically hired him all day and he would wait for us. It cost less than $10 US/day! Amazing.
Hey Lene! Welcome back! It's nice to see something other than you and your friend in the tulip gardens, which was up for such a long time whenever I checked your blog! (Gorgeous gardens, by the way) Now you're just cranking them out, and it's so interesting to read your many updates and see the pictures of your trip! What a great way to document your experience of a lifetime. Such a variety of cultures and scenery! Do you have the travel bug now, or are you content to stay home for a while?
Great to hear from you, Elsie! I was wondering how many people gave up checking my blog because it was latent for so long.;) But as you can see, I've been busy. It's quite the chore figuring out how to blog so it looks best, but now I think I've got a handle on it. I hope everyone likes my decision to make the pictures BIGGER!
As for being content to stay at home, I would have to say no, I'm not ... I would rather be out travelling, meeting friends, making new friends, gaining some amazing experiences and sharing the Light of Christ with those who are open to hearing! However, for now, I will limit my travels to between 14 - 40 km/day instead of 300 - 5000+ km on any given day! ;) There are many experiences (identical to those listed above) that await me here as well.
It is a blessing to be home again, but I am certain that I will be making another journey again soon. God knows when & where that will be.
Lene (:~]
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