May 18 - Pam and her tutor, Maria. Maria is a nurse & I had the opportunity of speaking with her after the 1st hour of their tutoring session. She stayed for another 2.5 hours sharing her passion about health care in Burkina Faso and encouraging me to come and train the nurses, if I do return here to do rehab.
I discovered later, that no language learning actually took place in the 1st hour - Maria talked about the nurse's conference she had been to 2 days previous (therefore, the tutoring session that day had to be cancelled). So the sessions are usually hit & miss, sometimes they spend the whole time working on the language and other times other things prevent Maria from coming at all, or what happened on this day.
(temperature reached at least 45 degrees C today. I used the air conditioner for the 1st time tonight, my 3rd night here).

Entrance to the SIL centre.

May 19 - I took various pictures as we drove to & from the 'Artist's Village' today. Here's a taste of what Ouagadougou, the capital of Burkina Faso, looks like.

One of the gas stations on the main road.

This was a great 'Kodak moment.' He's having a nap and found a great way to stay out of the 45+ degree heat today! (I used the AC again tonight, but that was it for the rest of my stay).

This looks like a church service, but it's Saturday, so I'm not sure ... ? (Maybe a 7th Day Adventist service?!?)

One of many mango stands.

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